:tada: Joy Memorial went off with a bang and we’re thrilled y’all came out. See the post for a 2024 recap and check back later for 2025 updates.

Joy Memorial 2024

Get ready to rock New Hope, June 9th, 2024! Weekend racing is back in a big way this summer for Minnesota. The Joy Memorial Crit is 1 of 7 races in the Northern Lights Grand Prix series, check out MCF.net for more.

If you aren’t familiar with criterium racing, it’s a time-boxed bike race with many laps on a short course (in this case, 1.1 miles). Racers in a field all go together, in one pack (opposed to a time trial, where riders compete relatively isolated). At some point the “time left” turns to “laps left”, and the first one across the line when there are no laps left is crowned the winner :crown:. It’s not just a thrilling way to race, it’s a great format for spectators and fans, because you have bikes whizzing by every ~2.5 minutes.

This is a family friendly event, all are welcome. We have fields for beginners, experienced fast folks, kids, and everyone in between. Don’t have a race license? No worries! You can buy a 1-day license.

Registration open now! :tada:


Joy Memorial Flyer
The flyer we’ve all been waiting for! Or click here to see the flyer in Google Drive.

Course Preview


Register on BikeReg

:point_right: :exclamation: REGISTER HERE!! :exclamation: :point_left:


New Hope, MN. We’ll be using Victory Park for parking and restrooms.